President's Award Recipients

The president's award is chosen by the president each year and given to a member he/she believes has contributed to his/her success as president and been a great asset to the association overall.



2013-2014 Kent Vipond - CDM Investment Group
2014-2015 Grant Snowden - Steel Ceilings
2015-2016 Jim Walaszek - Chicago Area Building Specialties
2016-2017 Eric Mau - Mau, Inc.
2017-2018 Ron Rice - Hunter Douglas Architectural
2018-2019 (no award given)
2019-2020 Dave Chaffee - E&K Companies
2020-2021 Alan Skinner - Skinner Interior Systems
2021-2022 Cherylyn Marks - Meetings on the Mark
2022-2023 Paul Gallagher - C. J. Coakley Co., Inc.




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